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A Complete Guide to Reading Sheet Music 

Being able to read sheet music is one of the most FUNDAMENTAL skills of a  musician. 


If you want to be able to sit in front of a piece of music and know EXACTLY what is going on then this is the course for you.

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“I'm a complete beginner. Is this course suitable for me?”

YES. Absolutely.


This course is made for beginners, and is taught as if you had no previous knowledge about reading music. 


The course will allow you to progress at your own speed and guide you through the stages of learning in a rational and well-paced manner.






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“What does the course even cover?”


This is a video course containing 10 lessons over 3 modules and covers the following:​

Reading Notes

Accidentals + Intervals

Time Signatures

Circle of Fifths

Case Studies (looking at sheet music in-depth and in-context)

Handouts to help you progress through the lessons

+ more


It will provide you with all the knowledge you need to pick up a piece of music and be able to read it without error. 


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“Who The Hell Are You?”
“Why Would I Trust You to Tell Me How to Do This?”


My name is Matt Walters. I'm also known as 'Reductio'.


I've been reading music for over 15 years, studied an organ scholarship at the University of Cambridge and have written countless musical works. 


You don't have to spend 15 years to get where I'm at now. I've condensed my knowledge into this course to save you time and toil.



If You’re Still on the Fence… Here’s A Breakdown Of Exactly
What’s Inside:

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What The Course Covers

My course is made up of 3 modules and includes case studies and handouts to guide you through the course. 



You will learn how to read and recognise notes, learning note types, note lengths and rests. You will learn the system that will enable you to identify notes when looking at a piece of music. The importance of pitch will also be covered in depth. 


Accidentals, intervals + more

You will learn about key symbols you may see on the staff and what they mean, how to read sharps and flats, and how intervals work when reading music. You will learn about chords and harmonic vs melodic intervals. 


Time Signatures, Key Signatures + Circle of Fifths

You'll learn how to identify all of the information on the staff, including the time signature and the key signature and you'll learn about the importance of tempo and rhythm. You will learn about the circle of fifths and its use when reading music. 


Case Studies

You will look at real examples of music and see the systems you will have learnt in practice. With 3 different examples, all of the lessons will be put into practice so that you can see what you have learnt in the context of actual music. 

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